Only the person viewing the work can decide for himself or herself if it's "art" - we all have different likes and dislikes. Critics may say that such and such is "Good" or "Bad", but you really have to decide for yourself.
dimensions of conflict handling intentions id defined by cooperativeness and assertiveness.
critical information
The cast of Study After Cruel Intentions - 2010 includes: Lysette Anthony as Charlotte Sharon Maughan as Lie
Without being familiar with the text in question, I would not agree that drawing is the most immediate and effective art form to represent intentions of artists.Of course this is subjective, but I believe music and dance to be more immediate than drawing; and, as far as intent representation, writing would be much more effective.
It can be either , or both , it depends on your intentions
To make art intellectual rather than visual.
It is difficult to know unless he left some notes about his intentions. Since he was one of the Expressionists it can be guessed that he was communicating emotions via his art.
To show that something can be appreciated as a work of art although it is not made by the artist exhibiting it.
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Assigns are those to whom property rights or powers are transferred to.