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At the end of chapter 5: Beast From water Piggy tells Ralph that Jack..."He hates me. I dunno why." A little later he adds... "I tell you what. he hates you too, Ralph---." Piggy suggests that Jack hates Ralph because.. "You got him over the fire; an' you're chief and he isn't." he also thinks that Jack hates him because, "He can't hurt you: but if you stand out of the way he'd hurt the next thing. And that's me."

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Q: Who are the two people whom Piggy declares that Jack hates on the island and why?
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Why does Jack get so angry when Ralph shows he is worried about Piggy in lord of the flies?

dunno man Piggy clings to Ralph he admires him and wants to be friends with him. Ralph has no interest in this and makes fun of Piggy, he tells all the other boys on the island about the nickname piggy. Ralph and all the others are bothered by piggys speeches and outbursts eventually Ralph realizzes that piggy is a good friend

What does brendon urie HATE?

I assume he hates it when people hurt his or Sarah's feelings.

Why does everyone hate Ashley?

first one hates me. well i guess just my haters, but they don't count cause...they don't! haha and i can name a few people too! hahaha... why does everyone hate bri?!? nobody hates bri. bri is amazing. but every single person ever hates Ashley. people just pretend to like her so that she feels more important cause they're nice people. at least bri is honest and tells Ashley that everyone hates her.

How does jack attempt to take power from Ralph?

Jack shows his power over Piggy from the very first time they meet when he tells Piggy to shut up. Throughout the book Jack continually speaks dismissively to Piggy, telling him that he isn't wanted on the expedition to the mountain, calling him a fat slug during a meeting and continually belittling the fat boy. Piggy is fully aware that Jack hates him and Jack makes this abundantly clear for everyone to see. Refusing to give Piggy any meat and punching him are two further examples of Jack demonstrating his power and physical prowess over the fat and ineffectual Piggy.

What are Michael foremans likes and dislikes?

he likes tall blondes. he hates smokers and fat people

Related questions

Why does Jack get so angry when Ralph shows he is worried about Piggy in lord of the flies?

dunno man Piggy clings to Ralph he admires him and wants to be friends with him. Ralph has no interest in this and makes fun of Piggy, he tells all the other boys on the island about the nickname piggy. Ralph and all the others are bothered by piggys speeches and outbursts eventually Ralph realizzes that piggy is a good friend

Piggy explains to Ralph that Jack can be very dangerous - if not to Ralph then to whom?

At the end of chapter 5: Beast from Water Piggy told Ralph how he felt about Jack, I quote... "He hates me. I dunno why. If he could do what he wanted--- you're alright, he respects you. Besides-- you'd hit him." Piggy also said... "I tell you what. He hates you too, Ralph---" And... "He can't hurt you: but if you stand out of the way he'd hurt the next thing. And that's me."

In Lord of the Flies Piggy explains to Ralph that Jack can be very dangerous - if not to Ralph than to whom?

Piggy explains to Ralph that Jack can be very dangerous to anyone who opposes his authority or challenges his leadership. Jack's thirst for power and control over the other boys on the island makes him a threat to anyone who stands in his way.

Who protects Fraser Island?

the Australian government hates fraser island so they don't protect it

Who is Obama running with in the bed?

Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)Obama hates all Canada people and thinks white people suck and i love to suck on him and his :):):):):):):)

Why does piggy feel he has the right to be heard?

Piggy believes he has the right to be heard because he values reason and intelligence, and he understands the importance of critical thinking in making decisions. He feels that his ideas and opinions are valid and should be considered by the group in order to improve their chances of survival on the island.

Does Justin Bieber hat his fans?

Yes. Justin Bieber hates his fans, people who isn't his fans, and his own family. He aspecially hates girls. He's gay. He hates everyone and everyone hates him. He is a psyco. He hates animas, too. He hates babies, kids, pre-teens, teenagers, adults, and old people.

In Lord of the Flies Why does Jack resent Piggy so much?

Jack resents Piggy because he sees him as weak, a hindrance to his authority and control over the group. Piggy's intelligence and rational thinking threaten Jack's desire for power and dominance on the island. Jack also dislikes Piggy's vulnerability and dependence on him, viewing him as a liability rather than an asset.

Did Nancy ajram say she hates Muslim?

NO she never sayed the she hates Muslims people

Who hates algebra?

Usually people who are stupid or bad at it, or anyone who hates doing work.

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He hates it when people say his name Lewis instead of Louis.

Who hates PS3?

Ignorant people!