The boys come Britain and is supposed to be taking place in the "future". The boys were originally on the plane because they were being sent to safety for the start of WWIII. They are English schoolboys. Piggy mentions living in Camberly.
Initially when Ralph is elected as chief he puts Jack in charge of the group of boys who had originally formed Jack's choir. Ralph asked Jack what he wanted them to be, to which Jack had replied, "Hunters." So the core of the hunters were Jack's original choir. However some of the biguns who had not originally been part of Jack's choir joined the hunters while others, such as Simon, who had originally been part of the choir seem not to have been hunters.
There are many boys in Lord of the Flies but no exact number is ever given. The full names of only a very few of these boys in mentioned, for example we are told that Jack's surname is Merridew. Most of the boys are just know by their first names, for example Simon, Roger, Harold etc. Piggy is only known by nicknames and his real name is never mentioned. Most of the younger boys are lumped together under the general title of "Little'uns" and their indiviual names are never revealed.
Lord of the Flies documents the progression of "innocent" boys into savagery.
Three shelters
They make three huts.
The boys are savages, so they don't control the flies. Also, the lord of the flies is far away from castle rock, so they don't have to deal with it.
The boys home country is England.
The three tallest boys on the island in "Lord of the Flies" were Ralph, Jack, and Piggy. Ralph was described as the tallest among the boys.
Lord of the Flies documents the progression of "innocent" boys into savagery.
Three shelters
They make three huts.
In "Lord of the Flies," the three boys described as the "three blind mice" are Piggy, Ralph, and Jack. They are referred to in this way because they fail to see the dangers and consequences of their actions on the island.
On the Island
The smaller boys in 'Lord of the Flies' are known as "littluns." They are the younger boys who are not part of the older boys' group.
The boys are savages, so they don't control the flies. Also, the lord of the flies is far away from castle rock, so they don't have to deal with it.
lord of the flies
percival johnny and the third, it wasnt very clear as to whom it was