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aparantly Justin should do a duet a love song with Taylor Swift he want to do a duet with Miley Cyrus he said so on his intoview he is big fans of Jo bros but dosent want to do a duet with them but there are rumors that he is going to do a duet with Selena Gomez

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

well he did a deut with a singer called jesica jerrel she was really good she kinda sounded like jordyn sparks!i love you Justin bieber please marry me i love you so much!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

He has done duets with Jessica Jarrel, Ludacris, Chris Brown and Jaden Smith to name a few I honestly don't know if he's done any other duets with anyone else but those are the ones I know :)

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Justin Bieber has done LOADS of duets! Hes done i with Usher, Jaden Smith, Mariah Carey, Boys Two Men and so many others! Hope that answered your question<3

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Tell him you're a really big fan, and sing a really catchy song and put it on your channel on YouTube. Once people start recognizing you soon Justin will, and you never know; you might be lucky! [:

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They already did. It's called Eenie Meenie and it's quite FABULOUS :)

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Yes! He and Selena sang a Disney duet 'one less lonley girl