: Academy Awards: Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis - There Will Be Blood
Robert pattinson
The cast of Blindside - 2007 includes: Matthew Stiller
In 2006, The most popular name for a girl was Emma. The most popular name for a boy was Aiden.
The cast of Am Sperma Limit - 2007 includes: Monja
The cast of Filosex - 2007 includes: Katrin Dumas Regine Mirage
The most popular girl name in 2007 is Sophia.
The two most popular names for a girl in 2007 are Sophia and Isabella.
The most popular name was Naudia.
It is fairly popular. It was the most growing site in 2007.
On the dog show, the Beagle 'Aro' was the symbol to the most popular breed in 2007, as well in 2008.
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In the US, Emily was the most popular name from 1996 to 2007. In 2008, it slipped to 3rd most popular, and in 2009 and 2010 it was the 6th most popular name.
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