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medusa and the sea monster

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Q: Who are the monsters in the movie Perseus?
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Related questions

What two monsters did Perseus have to kill?

Perseus killed the Gorgon Medusa and the sea monster that was about to devour the beautiful Andromeda.

How are the Gorgons monsters related to the hero perseus?

Perseus kills one of them (Medusa). The other two persue Perseus but fail to find him as he is wearing the Helm of Darkness.

Was destroyer a good name for Perseus Why?

cose he killed a lot of monsters

What monsters does Perseus face in the Clash of the Titans?

Hellhounds, Medusa, and Hades (technically, he is not a monster, he is a god)

What are some events in the movie of the clash of the titans?

persus gets poisioned, zeus is perseus's father, perseus kills the kraken, perseus kills a giant scorpion.

Who plays persius inthe movie clash of the titans 2010?

Sam Worthington , as Perseus .

What is the real name of Perseus in the movie Clash of the Titans?

Sam Worthington is the actor who plays Perseus in the 2010 version. Harry Hamlin played the role of Perseus in the 1981 version.

Does perseus fulfill the prophecy in the old moive?

Which movie? Likely, he does.

Who is the characters of the Clash of the Titans?

The main character to the famous story and the two movies "Clash of the Titans" is Perseus. Perseus is a demi-god, son of the god Zeus and the princess Danae. The problem with the second "Clash of the Titans" movie is that they make Perseus look too much like a tough guy than he really is. In the first "Clash of the Titan" movie they give a good idea of what Perseus looked like but the effect is what made the second movie better.

Are most movie monsters invincible or vincible?

Most movie monsters are neither, but instead are Bob.

Will Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters be a movie?

There are rumors, but no confirmations or weither on not The Sea of Monsters will be a movie.

Which actor plays the lead character Perseus in the movie?

Sam worthington