Leon and Mini,are the minor characters also there is Fiona and Timothy as leaders of the blazing club,and Lightining club.We also remember Marco cousin of Jackey in the past blazing teens 1.
Chen Wi Dong is the name of the actor who plays Mark.
Blazing Saddles starred Clevon Little, Gene Wilder, and Harvey Korman. Billy Crystal was not in the cast.
Yes accel 2 also has the young characters such as pts sasuke "young" and it also has the older characters its still prtetty cool you can use the old characters
the real name of mini in blazing teens is Lu Meng Xin
from youtube
the following is the shortcut to blazing teens season2 trailor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NNawSGlLqQ&feature=related Mao!!
she was born in china
i have lots and lots of mini awesome and rare pics my email is eman19101989@gmail.com i have also a forum that is all about blazing teens
Zhang Yi Fan
yes the yo yo looks nice.
if theres a newboy store there then get it from there
fire thunder