NO he isn't a killer
The movie was Legion. Kevin Durand played Gabriel, and Paul Bettany played Michael. Both characters were angels that wore all black and had black wings. They were part of a legion of angels sent by God to destroy the world.
Army Of Angels I think.
the serial killer is Marlena !............
The Conflict of the Movie Angels & Demons are ...Listed1.How to Solve the mystery of the missing Fr.'s .2.Where to Find the Thing That the assasin/hassasin took to the CERN.3.Who is the Killer?That's all i know...Hope i help you..^_^
The Killer Angels was created in 1974.
during the book someone describes humanity as angels. then someone say." if they we are then we are killer angels". the men in the battle were killer angels.
they dont know whether to kill or be angels.
union forces
its about buttholes
loyalty and aristocracy
Chamberlains experience with his dad. He dad said that man was a killer angel.
The Killer Angels is a book about the Civil War written by Michael Shaara. In the book the Confederate Army was considered remarkable for their unity.
Killer Angels by Michael Shaara.
Robert E. Lee
yes killer instinct 2 is real .. It has new characters on it to
Uh....... read the book