

Best Answer

Oringinal:ancientgraymon, ancientgarurumon, ancientbeetlemon, ancientkazemon, ancientmegatheriumon, ancientmermaimon, ancientsphinxmon, ancienttroiamon, ancientvolcamon, and ancientwisemon.

New:Agunimon, Lobomon, Beetlemon, Kazemon, Kumamon, Ranamon, Lowemon, Arbormon, Grumblemon, and Mercurymon.

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Q: Who are the Ten Legendary Warriors?
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What are the 10 digimon frontier legendary warriors?

The ten Legendary Warriors that were once around in order to help defend the Digital World from Lucemon are AncientGreymon, AncientGarurumon, AncientBeetlemon, AncientMegaKabuterimon, AncientKazemon, AncientSphinxmon, AncientMermaimon, AncientWisemon, AncientTrojamon and AncientVolcamon, all 10 Legendary Warriors are classified as Mega Forms.

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Bakugun is the problem, it is not the six legendary warriors

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Female warriors in South America are commonly referred to as Amazon warriors. The Amazon warriors were said to be legendary female fighters known for their bravery and skill in battle.

Where is the cheat option in Kung Fu panda legendary warriors for the wii?

you have to go to options

Can you get any of the Digimon from Digimon frontier in Digimon World Dusk?

The spirits from the Ten Legendary Warriors are mostly absent from this game. The only available form is Susanoomon, who is treated as a normal Mega level Digimon in the game instead of a spirit.

What was the legendary tribe of female warriors who lived near the Black Sea?

The female warrior tribe were The Amazons.

How do you get to Valhalla, the legendary hall in Norse mythology where fallen warriors are said to go after death?

In Norse mythology, warriors who die bravely in battle are believed to be chosen by the Valkyries to go to Valhalla.

Are Kung Fu Panda and Kung Fu Panda Legendary Warriors for the DS and Wii the same thing?
