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Crabbe and Goyle were for about 3 years and Lucian Bole and Peregrine Derrick were for the few years before Crabbe and Goyle

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Jimmy Peakes and Richie Coote.

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Q: Who are the Slytherin quidditch beaters?
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What Quidditch positions do Fred and George Weasley play?


Do all houses play Quidditch?

Yes, all four of the houses at Hogwarts (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw) play Quidditch.

Who did Harry Potter catch the snitch against in his first Quidditch match?

Gryffindor house was playing Slytherin. The Slytherin seeker was Terence Higgs.

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Captain of Slytherin Quidditch team

In quidditch what is the name of the players that throw the quaffle around trying to score a goal?


How many Quidditch teams are at Hogwarts?

Positions In Quidditch: 1 Keeper, which is like a goalie. Defending the goal hoops. 1 Seeker, which is chasing after the snitch, trying not to get hit. 2 Beaters, with a bat each, trying to keep the bludger from hitting their team. 3. Chasers, they are the people that score the goals Balls in Quidditch: The Quaffle, a red-brown ball the size of a soccer ball, when thrown in the hoops scores 10 points for the team who threw the ball. The Bludger, a small iron ball, heavy, the beaters use this to try to hit the opposite team's players off their broomsticks The Golden Snitch, a small round ball, lightweight, about he size of an almond, It is pure gold with a small pattern on it, it has 2 feather-like, silver wings, and it's the seeker's job o catch the snitch as it flies The Uniform for Quidditch: The uniform depends on the houses. Gryffindor wear Scarlett robes, gloves and in winter have goggles as well Slytherin's robes are emerald green (same gloves and goggles) Hufflepuff have yellow robes (gloves and goggles) And Ravenclaw have blue (gloves and goggles)

What game requires 2 beaters 3 chasers 1 keeper and 1 seeker?

Quidditch, a fictional "sport" from the Harry Potterseries, by JK Rowling.

How many players are on a Quidditch team and what positions do they play?

There are 7 players per team. 3 Chasers, 2 Beaters, 1 Goalkeeper, and 1 Seeker.

What does a Beater do on the Quidditch team?

The beaters hit a ball call the bludger. The bludger is charmed so that it moves on its own and it is the beaters job to keep it away from their teammates.

There are 24 slytherin fans for every 40 fans of the Griffindor house at the quidditch match. What reduced ratio below is equivalent to the stated ratio?


Who is the Quidditch referee?

The Quidditch referee at Hogwarts is Madam Rolanda Hooch. During Harry Potter's first year, Severus Snape referred the Gryffindor v Slytherin match in an attempt to protect Harry as Quirrel had tried to kill him in the previous match. The referee for the 1994 Quidditch World Cup was Hassan Mostafa.

How much is a shirt at the wizarding world of Harry Potter?

*fishes out old reciepts* Last February, I bought a Slytherin quidditch tee for $26.95. I also procured a cute bag for $19.95, Slytherin, prefect badge $7.95, Slytherin scarf for $34.95, butterbeer was $4.25 no cup and $9.95 with and a bottle of butterbeer was $6.25 ... oh and parking was $15!