There are many famous Australians, past and present, and no list would ever do them all justice. Here is a small selection of famous Australians with which to begin:
See the related link below for a list of famous Australians
who are some famous people that were born in turner county ga
some people who are famous that play the xylophone is the famous mexician allie m. acala
Bill O'Reilly
Victor Chang is one of Australia's best heart surgeons.
Heath Ledger and David Wirrpanda.
There are many different kinds of attractions in Australia. Many people for example love to visit the famous Australian Outback.
tennis is a sport that people play in australia
yes famous peaple do live in australia like Mr Dickinsole. He is a australian teacher.
Australia has many famous animals but some of the more noticabe one would be: Emu Kangaroo Koala
kylie kwong
people should visit Australia because it is a great place the relax and enjoy your life. Australia is also famous for its waves. :)
Some of the famous animals special to Australia are:kangarookoalawombatemu