I think they only have one child, and i think that is Laurel sills from the ex lovers.
P.S Their music is great
Maura Tierney's birth name is Maura Lynn Tierney.
Maura Antas's birth name is Maura Locke Antas.
Candide Franklyn died on February 12, 2013, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Maura McGiveney was born on February 28, 1939, in Stockport, England, UK.
2 children of her own and three step daughters She gave birth to one daughter and one son
As of my last update, there is no publicly available information indicating that Franklyn Sills has children.
Beverly Sills had three step-daughters, born to her husband Peter Greenough in his previous marriage. There names are Lindley, Nancy and Diana. Sills had two children of her own with Peter: Meredith ("Muffy") and Peter Jr. ("Bucky"). Source: "Beverly, An Autobiography" by Beverly Sills.
No. Her children are Madison (boy), Morgan (girl), and Maura (girl). None of these children are twins.
Brandon Sills's birth name is Brandon Allen Sills.
Maura Vespini's birth name is Maura Cacchi.
Robert Franklyn's birth name is Robert Alan Franklyn.
Candide Franklyn's birth name is Candide Regan Franklyn.
Fred Franklyn's birth name is Franklyn, Aaron Frederic.
Fred Franklyn went by Abe or Frederic Flood Franklyn.
William Franklyn's birth name is William Leo Franklyn.
Franklyn Barrett's birth name is Walter Franklyn Brown.
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