try going on "" and type in may 23.You'll get a whole list of famous people over there.
Kobe Bryant born August 23 1978 Julian Casablancas born August 23 1978 Nicole Bobek born August 23 1977 River Phoenix born August 23 1970 Shelley Long born August 23 1949 Rick Springfield born August 23 1949 Keith Moon born August 23 1946 Barbara Eden born August 23 1934 Mark Russell born August 23 1932 Vera Miles born August 23 1930 Gena Kelly born August 23 1912
Chances of finding someone famous born on this date in 1997 would be hard given that they would only be 12 years old in 2009. Give it another 10 - 20 years and you might find someone. They need some time to become famous. Here are a few famous people that were born on January 23 * Ernie Kovacs - January/23/1919 * Gene Hackman - January/23/1931 * John Hancock - January/23/1737 * Tony Lucca - January/23/1976 * Princess Caroline - January/23/1957 * Patrick Simmons - January/23/1950
John Hancock, Ernie Kovacs, Chita Rivera, Chesley Sullenburg, Tito Ortiz, Robin Zander.
Raymond Chandler was born on July 23. In addition, Daniel Radcliffe, Slash, Michelle Williams (destiny's child), Halie Selasse (emperor of ethiopia), Monica Lewinsky and many other notable individuals.
Khin Yu May was born on 1937-03-23.
The Tennis star Melanie Oudin.
June carter cash was born on this wounderful day!!! June carter cash was born on this wounderful day!!!
Kobe Bryant born August 23 1978 Julian Casablancas born August 23 1978 Nicole Bobek born August 23 1977 River Phoenix born August 23 1970 Shelley Long born August 23 1949 Rick Springfield born August 23 1949 Keith Moon born August 23 1946 Barbara Eden born August 23 1934 Mark Russell born August 23 1932 Vera Miles born August 23 1930 Gena Kelly born August 23 1912
Carolus Linnaeus was born on May 23, 1707.
May 23, 1707Carl Linnaeus was born on May 23, 1707.
ken Jennings was born on May 23, 1974
Jane Kenyon was born on May 23, 1947
Well, I was, and two other people I know so that makes at least 3 people
Chances of finding someone famous born on this date in 1997 would be hard given that they would only be 12 years old in 2009. Give it another 10 - 20 years and you might find someone. They need some time to become famous. Here are a few famous people that were born on January 23 * Ernie Kovacs - January/23/1919 * Gene Hackman - January/23/1931 * John Hancock - January/23/1737 * Tony Lucca - January/23/1976 * Princess Caroline - January/23/1957 * Patrick Simmons - January/23/1950
bailey figueroa
Jack May was born on April 23, 1922.
Christine May was born on 1948-03-23.