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Davey Havok from the band AFI in the intro "Prelude 12/21" to their album Decemberunderground.

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Q: Who Sings Kiss My Eyes And Lay Me To Sleep?
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How do Gecko sleep?

Normally they sleep in the afternoon. the lay down, close there eyes (they do have eyelids) and sleep.

How do you get some sleep?

take a sleeping pill....and then LAY DOWN/CLOSE YOUR EYES AND SLEEP!!

When do you lay down an unexpected kiss on your crush?

When his/her eyes are closed and they are saying the word 'watermelon'.

Why is it that when you lay down to go to sleep no matter what side you lay on your eyes start to water and why is that?

because it is condencated puss that flows around your body so when you lay down i comes out of your eyes

How can i go to slepp when i alredy did?

When you have already gone to sleep, you need to lay down and close your eyes so that you can sleep.

Who sings the song that is playing during The Expendables movie trailer?

That would be Shinedown - Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom)

How do you sleep with agirl?

Do you mean sleep? Lay down, close your eyes, go to sleep. Do you mean sex? That's not a quick question. Do a Google search for sex 101.

How do you get into sleep mode?

Just relax and watch TV. You can also lay down or something and just close your eyes.

What rock group sings lay it on the line?

The rock group that sings lay it on the line is called Triumph.

What rock band sings lay it on the line?

Triumph sings this song

Where did the pilgrims sleep on the mayflower?

like anyone else would, lay down, were ever you are,and close your eyes they slept on the mayflower like one family had their own little corner or spot to sleep in

Should you lay a baby on their tummy to sleep?

No, they could suffocate. You have to lay them on their back to sleep.