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santa could have said that lol

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Q: Who Said he he he ho ho?
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What is the ho ho ho ho that santa does?

"Ho, Ho, Ho" is a common phrase said by Santa to express Christmas joy and cheer.

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it is said as ho-ho-ba

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What is something that Saint Nicholas said?

There is no record of quotes from Saint Nicholas of Myra. However 'Ho, Ho Ho" was probably not one of them.

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Brace Beemer said, "Hi Ho Silver Away."

Ho said the earth revolved around the sun?

Galileo, I think.

What is 'I said a little' when translated from English to Italian?

"I said a little!" in English is Ho detto molto poco! in Italian.

Who in romeo and Juliet said give me my long sword ho?

Mr. Capulet

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Did anybody see Santa?

Last year, I saw Santa Claus leaving presents under MY CHRISTMAS TREE! And I heard distanced jingling and a "HO HO HO HO!" sound. I truly believe it was Santa Claus I did see him!Yeah, I did! He give me a KISS (!) and then he said: "Be a good girl and answer on question Did anybody see Santa? in WikiAnswers. HO HO HO HO! Bye-bye, I have to drink a little wine!"