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Q: Which rhythmic value gets the beat in 4 8?
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What is a rhythmic note with three beats?

It really depends on your time signature (that is what defines a beat as). In terms of the most common time signature 4/4, the note that has a rhythmic value of three beats is called a dotted half note.

In three eight time what is the value of a dotted quarter note?

A dotted quarter note gets 3 beats in 3/8 meter. The lower number in the time signature means that the 8th notes gets 1 beat, so every note value is doubled. Therefore, the quarter note, which normally gets 1 beat in 4/4, is doubled to 2 beats. The dot is equal to 1/2 beat, so doubled it gets 1. 2+1=3 beats.

How many beats does dotted quarter note get?

It gets 3/4 of a beat. If you count in 4/4 meter, and the Dotted eighth note is on the first beat, it's count would be: 1 & 2 & etc. The action of the dot increases the value of the eighth note by half it's value. Half the value of an eighth note is a sixteenth note. So a dotted eighth note = eighth note + sixteenth note A good website that illustrates how dots work is: -Mimi

What does the bottom number in a time signature?

The bottom number in a time signature is the denominator of the fraction denoting the note value that gets the beat. So if the bottom number in the time signature is a four, imagine it's the bottom of a fraction with a numerator of 1. 1/4 is a quarter, so the quarter note gets the beat.

Does a sixteenth note get a one half of a beat?

Yes and no. Commonly, a quarter note gets one beat, an eighth note gets half, and a sixteenth note gets one fourth of a beat (4-4 time). Occasionally, a song will be in 4-8 or 2-8 time, then the quarter note gets two beats, the eighth note gets one, and the sixteenth note gets half a beat. That help?

What kind of note gets 1/4 of a beat?


How many beat in a quarter note?

In/On any instrument a quarter note gets one beat.

What note receives the beat 3 4?

In 3/4 time, a quarter note gets one beat. A half note gets two beats, and a dotted half note gets the entire three beats of a measure.

How many beats does a eighth get?

it gets 6/8 beats

What does the quarter mean?

The quarter note gets one beat in music. If the time signature were 4/4, there would be four beats per measure and the quarter note gets one beat.

What does the quarter note mean?

The quarter note gets one beat in music. If the time signature were 4/4, there would be four beats per measure and the quarter note gets one beat.

What note gets half a beat?

An eighth note (if the measure is in 4/4 time), because each measure gets 4 beats, therefore 1 beat is a quarter measure ergo, a quarter note. Half of a quarter is an eighth, therefore a half beat is an eighth note.