The planet IEGO, referenced in the Clone Wars video game, has a thousand or more moons. (see link to review)
Chewbacca sacrifices his own life to save that of Han Solo's son Anakin from a collision between the planet Sernpidal and one of its moons.
The Omnitrix was created through Galvan (Greymatter) technology. Upgrade comes from one of Planet Galvan's moons. One can only assume they are born of similar technology.
Yes, for quite the many moons now. Easily over 20 years, perhaps a bit more.
A Planet Beach Contempo Spa offers a lot of spa services for a really reasonable monthly membership fee. If you purchased several massages, had a facial, got your teeth whitened and enjoyed a sauna at a traditional day spa, you might spend up to or over $1000 in a month. Costs may vary by location but generally the membership fees range from $69 to $99. Often there are specials or free passes to try it out and if you have not, you should.
Alderaan was the first planet the death star destroyed.
The planet with 19 moons and over 1000 rings is Saturn. It is known for its extensive ring system and diverse collection of moons, including some of the largest moons in the solar system such as Titan and Rhea.
only the planet of Jupiter.... it has a total of 62 moons. and mercury and venus have no moons.
Jupiter has the most moons of any planet in our solar system, with over 80 confirmed moons.
Jupiter has the most moons in our solar system, with over 80 confirmed moons orbiting around it.
Jupiter and Saturn both have over 30 moons. Jupiter has the most moons at 63.
Jupiter has the most moons in our solar system, with over 80 confirmed moons.
Neptune has 14 known moons, making it the planet with the most moons in our solar system. However, Jupiter holds the record for the most moons, with over 79 known natural satellites.
Jupiter has the most moons, 63 confirmed that are in a stable orbit around the planet. There could be more than this though, which have yet to be discovered.
Jupiter has the most moons in our solar system, with over 80 confirmed moons orbiting it. Some of its largest moons include Ganymede, Callisto, Io, and Europa.
Jupiter has the most known moons in our solar system, with over 80 confirmed moons.