

Best Answer

If a battle will take place between male Bengal tiger and male African lion there is about 90% chance(9 out of 10 fights) that a lion will defeat the tiger.

It is a myth that tigers are better fighters or more agile. A lion is agile too, but many people forget that. Lions fight every minute of their life for meal and pride. It is actually myth that tigers are as good fighters as lions. Some people say that male tiger fights sometimes to death to win heart of a female and tigress fights off hungry males.

A lioness will fight off hyenas and males fight for pride as much as tigers.In this point, their fighting skills are equal. But last lions hunt a prey almost every day but because only 40% (4 out of 10 hunts)are success, only oince a 2 or 3 days they hunt. This is natural. Lions hunt better because they are more intellinent and hunt togerher.Then a male comes and other lionesses and start eating. Normally it ends as a fight.If you think that lions in pride are like mother and child you're wrong. Lions often fight with each other over food unlike e.g. mother cheetah and her almost aldut cubs.

Now I've told ya one out of two most important strenghts. Skills. There are skills and power. Skills include aggression+experience and power include bite force,paw swipe and just power.

Bite force: A bite of lion in one test reached around 1400Ib.The tiger got around 1400Ib either. The wider skull has less bite force but longer skull makes your bite weaker too. The short and narrow face makes more bitting pressure. Both bite is around 1400Ib.

Paw swipe:Lion boxes with one paw but tiger boxes with two. Tiger paw swipes are fast but lack of full damage. Lion boxes with one paw, these are usually slow but carry a lot of weight behind them.

Inteligent; A lion is a good thinker.Lionesses hunt together. One is getting signs of the other so it will know when to attack. With this skill 60% of lion hunt are unsuccessful, compared to tigers which is as much as 90% chance that the hunt will be unsuccessful. A lion's mind is more intelligent.

Aggression:When a male lion meets other male, it fights to end to win the pride. Sometimes those fights can carry fatal injury, which in African is very bad. Even a leopard will finish off with him.Lions practise their skills when fighting over food.

A myth is, but it was proven, that tiger canines are longer.Both canines are the size of around 5 inches long. However lion got longer claws up to 5 inches long and tigers are usually 4.5 inches, but they can reach 5 inches. Both canines and claws are for both cats around 5 inches.

Tiger score

Tigers are heavier and more muscles equals being stronger.

Lion score

Lion has stronger paw swipe, they are better fighters, their claws are usually longer, they are more aggressive, and they are morew= intellingent.

AnswerIf an African lion will meet Bengal tiger, The lion will most likely to wi
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13y ago
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12y ago

easy,tiger is stronger. tiger (4metre) is longer than bear (3.5 meter). bear is heavier so bear is slow.tiegr is faster than bear. but about polar bear ,he is fast than bengal tiger. but tiger is active than all bears.Bears are consider as tenth strongest living being in the world and tiger fourth. so tiger is stronger than bear. tiger are most heavy cats in the world. tiger is second strongest predator in the world. tiger is weighting heavy as 381kg and bear 1060 kg. therefore tiger is active and has strength to kill polar bear! tiger is stronger than all land predators.

Although tigers are the most powerful of big cats, the muscular structure of the heavier polar bear would make it stronger. However, cats are quicker than bears, and a fight would be hard to determine which animal would win.

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15y ago

Good question. A lion is the toughest out of the three, but would not neccessarily win in a fight, a grizzly bear would beat them both.

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15y ago

The lion is stronger then the tiger, but at the same time the tiger is more active then the lion.

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13y ago

Polar bear. It can hunt down a muskox by itself, while a tiger would have difficulties killing a cow. Brown bears, grizzly bears, and even boar black bears are stronger than tigers.

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shanshan Jiang

Lvl 10
3y ago

tiger has more mussels

hunting skills

and bite force

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Q: Which one is stronger - tiger or lion?
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Who are the strongest lion or tiger?

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

Who is stronger a lion or tiger?

in all the time male african lion weight 150 to 250 kg and african lion weight 190 kg and male siberian tiger weight 180 to 300 . some 215 kg in male in male bengal tiger weight 205 kg bit force lion 1000 psi siberian 950 psi run lion 80 km and siberian tiger 50km . weapon siberian and bengal tiger and african lion 10 cm lion kill a zebra Gazelle Buffalo Impala hippopotamus Giraffe some time leopard Chita or elephant but tiger kill a leopard salt water croc Gaur or monkey fish or impala lions 20000 and tigers 4500 in the world american lion much bigger than smilodon pop..... and ngandong tiger . and male barbary lion 270 to 300 kg and siberian tiger 180 to 300 kg siberian tiger 240 kg and barbary lion 285 kg . male lion are stronger than male tiger b.....e male lion in all the time in war but tiger not but now b.....e not barbary lion or cave lion or american lion or natodmeri lion extinction and not in world tiger stronger . and biggest barbary lion in newyork city zoo in usa 1897 old name barbary lion is sultan and weight 450 kg and biggest male siberian tiger weight 423 kg in zoo and lion stronger

Who would win in a fight between an Asian lion and a Sumatran tiger?

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

Who would win in a fight between a sloth bear and a lion?

Possibly the sloth bear. The sloth bear has more muscles and the same weight as a bengal tiger, while the bengal tiger is a stronger hunter than a sloth bear. With a couple of swipes from the sloth bear's claws, it could kill a bengal tiger. Sloth bears usually kill tigers for territory and safety kill sun bears.

Is a lion or tiger stronger?

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans ONE THING I HAVE TO SAY IS THAT EVERYONE SAY LIONS ARE TOUGHER FIGHTERS ANS HAVE MORE FIGHTING EXPERIENCE, BUT AS AN INDIAN I KNOW THE TIGER'S FIGHTING EXPERIENCE, WE HAVE TO READ THE TIGER'S BEHAVIOR. TIGERS FIGHT FOR THEIR LIFE. THEY ARE SOLITARY, LIKE LIONS THEY WILL NOT LIVE IN A GROUP. THEY HAVE TO FACE EVERY DANGER ALONE. YOU SAY Africa HAVE MORE DANGERS YES I AGREE. BUT WHY DID THE LIONS BECAME SOCIAL, BECAUSE THEY NEEDED TO SURVIVE ALL DISASTERS AND ENEMIES. IF LIONS WERE SOLITARY THEY WILL NOT SURVIVE IN AFRICA. THE TIGERS HAVE TO FIGHT OTHER MORE EXPERIENCED TIGERS ALONE, THEY HAVE NO SUPPORT TO PROTECT THEIR YOUNG. THEY LEARNED TO SURVIVE HOW TO LIVE ALONE AND FACE DANGERS. IN A TIGER VS TIGER FIGHT THERE ARE BRUTAL CONSEQUENCES. THE TIGERS WILL GET INJURED IN A UNFORGIVABLE AND SOMETIMES LEAD TO DEATH AND SERIOUS INJURIES, SOME TIGERS EVEN LOOSE THEIR NAILS, TEETH AND MANY MORE. THIS SHOW HOW POWERFUL IS TIGER FIGHT, THEY WILL FIGHT UP DEATH. MANY TIGERS ARE KILLED BY ANOTHER TIGERS LIKE THE LIONS, THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A TIGER FIGHT OR LION FIGHT. THE LIONS HAVE MORE CHANCES TO SURVIVE ONLY BECAUSE THEY LIVE IN GROUPS

Related questions

What is stronger a tiger or lion?

A tiger is generally considered stronger than a lion due to its larger size and more muscular build. Tigers are also known for their powerful jaws and ability to take down larger prey compared to lions.

Is tiger or lion stronger?

Tigers are overall stronger than lions. They are more muscular and have stronger jaws, for example.

Is a Lion stronger stronger than a Tiger and will a Tiger win a battle if it was against a Lion?

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

Is a white tiger strong enough to kill a lion?

I Would believe so because tigers are generally bigger and stronger then lions. Also in a fight a tiger can use both paws and a lion only can do one paw in combat.

Has a stronger bite force lion or tiger?

Tiger (1,050 psi) They are the largest big cat, and with a bite force of around 1,050 psi, they bite almost twice as hard as lions do. Perhaps that's why lions hunt in packs to take down their prey, while tigers are perfectly content — and efficient — flying solo.

Who is the strogest between lion and tiger?

tigers have more mussel strength hunting skills bite force

Which is stronger an African lion or a Siberian tiger?

The larger subspecies of tiger are generally somewhat more powerful, but the difference is slight.

Who are the strongest lion or tiger?

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

What is stronger a white lion or white tiger?

I think white lions are better but regular tigers are better than regular lion

Who is stronger a African lion or Siberian tiger?

A lot of people will say lion , however they are wrong because they are just stupid lion fans that know nothing about a tiger's advantages. The tiger will win because it is stronger! heavier, more agile, bigger, has longer canines, is a better fighter, is smarter, and is not lazy and waits for females to hunt. Tigers rule and lions are no sicken beans

What is stronger a liger or a any species of bear?

a liger it has a tiger mixed with a lion and that would be powerful

Who is better at fighting lion or tiger?

I would think that lions are are better at fighting, since they are stronger.