I think these are correct, I checked a few sites and they were all similar.
It lasts for one hour, and you can only transform into other humans.
when jk Rowling wrote the books, there was never a mention of an animagus polyjuice potion. however, in the second book, it does state that when you use the pollyjuice potion, you cannot try to turn yourself into an animal, or else something will go totally wrong. Hermione learned this the hard way when she accidentaly put cat hair in the potion instead of the girl's. she got stuck in a half cat, half human state and it took forever for her to recover.
Harry Potter threw a firework into Goyle's potion during Potions class because him, Ron and Hermione needed a diversion so that Hermione could sneak into Snape's private stores unnoticed and steal some ingrediants. They did this to make the Polyjuice Potion.
Book/Movie 2. Polyjoice Potion also plays an important role in book/movie 4 and 7.
When you are polyjuiced to someone else, your vocal chords are transformed as well... (let's not bring up the films -- they have nothing to do with the books)
Polyjuice potion
A transformation potion ,a Polyjuice potion
Polyjuice Potion. It is used for transformation to look like someone else. It tastes awful and needs to ferment for something like 30 days and the final ingredient is a hair from the person you want to look like, but unfortunately Hermione took a cat hair instead of a human hair and was transformed partially into a cat.
You can unlock Polyjuice Potion the second years in the story Potion's Classroom with Professor Snape. There is a glitch witch prohibit the ability to unlock. You can unlock the Polyjuice Potion by watching "Polyjuice Potion Intro" scene in movie theater on the second floor in "Leaky Cauldron. This unlock can result in another glitch that trap you in "Potion's Classroom" every time you want to visit Hogwarts. By restarting several times might undo the trap glitch. It's advised to export game save before you try to fix the "Polyjuice Poisson glitch".
There's the Polyjuice Potion, Shrinking Solution, Mandrake juice, Wolfsbane Potion, and others.
There is no spell, the polyjuice potion does that.
By taking the polyjuice potion.
use polyjuice potion
Create polyjuice potion and add some dead cells of the "bad guy." Then drink it. I'll last an hour.
Amortentia also known as a love potion, Confusion Conncotion cause confusion, Draught Of Living Death this potion puts the drinker into a deep sleep seeming to be dead but not, Draught of Peace this potion calms anxiety and soothes aggitation, Felix Felicis also known as Liqiud Luck, Polyjuice Potion Changes the drinkers appearance, Veritaserum also know as the truth potion.
Nearly Headless Nick probably took his Polyjuice Potion by pouring it down his neck hole, since his head is nearly detached from his body. This method would allow the potion to reach his stomach, where it would take effect.
He doesn't have hair so no one could perform a Polyjuice potion on him