"Love Before Breakfast" (1936)
"Married Before Breakfast" (1937)
"Breakfast for Two" (1937)
"Kisses for Breakfast" (1941)
"Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961)
"The Breakfast Club" (1985)
Here are a few: The Baby-Sitters Club
i am legend?
Fight Club
the wedding planner
Here are a few: The Baby-Sitters Club
Here are a few movies with 18 letters in their titles: Schindler's List Beauty and the Beast Breakfast at Tiffany's
Four brothers, Step Brother and The Brother from Another Planet are some of the movies with the word Brother in their title.
where you go to the movies and it is 1 dollar
i am legend?
Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003).
crouching tiger
Children of the Corn
Father Goose
Sucker punch