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Lolly- Per Sempre Amore (Forever In Love)

The music video for "Real World" by Matchbox 20 was also shot in a Bowling alley. Part of it was, anyways. Classic classic song and video. I highly recommend it. Long live the 90's!

i think that you may be thinking of a song called my own worst enemy by a band called lit. i am sorry that this punctuation and grammar is so bad, i am typing from my phone and for some reason it is not letting me shift.

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Never mind It's LIT with My own worst Enemy.

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Q: Which late 90's music video was set in bowling alley?
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Depends on a lot of things. Mainly, how much do you bowl? It's not really a question of what ball is best, but what ball is best FOR YOU. Do you want to hook the ball a lot (can you)? Do you want it to hook early or late? Do you bowl at an alley that has a lot of oil or just a little on the lanes? The easiest thing to do is talk to the owner of the pro shop at the bowling alley you use. They will recommend a ball that fits the style of bowler that you are.

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