Kathryn Bigelow
Wong Kar-Wai is generally well-known as a Hong Kong Second Wave filmmaker. He also an internationally renowned as an auteur for his visually unique and emotionally resonant work.
Thomas Mann was best known as a German novelist. He was a short story writer, social critic, philanthropist, essayist and 1929 Nobel laureate. He was known for his series of highly symbolic and ironic epic novels and novellas, noted for their insight into the psychology of the artist and intellectual.
Its all a matter of opinion. And I stress that because different sites rate things using different standards. IGN is better known for video game reviews, and if it serves them any credit, IGN reportedly gets 20.5M unique viewers per month, making them 2nd in most visited.So, is IGN a good critic? That is honestly for you to decide whether you believe the points and comments they make in their reviews are credible or not.
He developed the Ecological Systems Theory and co-founded the Head Start program in the United States.
Andrew Sarris
Nostalgia Critic
Kathryn Bigelow
The first known literary critic is thought to be Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher who wrote the "Poetics" around 335 BCE. In this work, he analyzed and discussed various aspects of poetry and drama, setting a foundation for literary criticism.
Boris Yeltsin was the Russian leader who was known for opposing a coup in the Soviet Union from a tank.
Boris Yeltsin was the Russian leader who was known for opposing a coup in the Soviet Union from a tank.
Boris Yeltsin was the Russian leader who was known for opposing a coup in the Soviet Union from a tank.
Film critic/host
Auteur director. An auteur director is a filmmaker who exercises a high level of control over all aspects of a production, often transforming the original script to fit their creative vision. They believe in using the text as a tool to serve their overall artistic goals.
He was known as a very harsh newspaper and literary critic. His nickname was the Hatchetman.