Ok, Cole Sprouse, Reese Witherspoon,Brad Pitt, Liam Payne, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber i think he is thinking of this or blue not sure!
Green. like max GREEN
She say that she did't know why she like the color green she just dose
The best way to describe his color is olive drab green.
orange like me cause I am Goku!
green cuz its like you have the color blue but you want green
purple Green The color of life!
I like green. Green is a color of the rainbow. He is green with envy. Help keep our planet green by recycling. The grass is green. Green is a good color, green is the color of the grass, green is the color of the leaves on the trees, green is the color of Kermit the Frog.
Green. like max GREEN
Like the color of fresh grass
chrysolite color , i think like really dark green like green olive
the picture of bhalamanan is like only green algae its color is color green
its like a brownishe blue green color!(-=
The color green appeals to those who gravitate to the cool side of the spectrum. For some, the color green is soothing because it is the predominate color in natural settings. For others, it is a color of serenity. I like green because my eyes are hazel green. I don't like green that much idk why but i still wear it sometimes.
he likes the color green cause he does.like why do some ppl like blue.same thing.and we don't know for sure he likes the color green but it can be possible though.
No offence but i don't like green so i don't no anything about it the color green is the best color and that's that p.s take that offenceivly
Mixing yellow and green results in the color yellow-green.