Anne Hathaway
There are many different celebrities with the last name Egerton. Some notable celebrities with this last name include George Egerton who is a writer and Tamsin Egerton who is a famous British actress.
Some celebrities with the last name McGrath are Mark McGrath, lead singer of Sugar Ray; Derek McGrath, actor; Jeremy McGrath, a Motocross champion; and Jane McGrath, a cancer support campaigner.
Werner Erhard's birth name is John Paul Rosenberg.
His birth name is Dirk Werner Nowitzki.
Anne Hathaway
Swift is her last name. Some celebrities do get their names changed.
· Werner Von Braun
It can be either German, Dutch, or Scandanavian.
Werner Kopers's birth name is Werner Versnick.
Werner Thal's birth name is Thal, Werner.
Werner Pochath's birth name is Werner Pochlatko.
There are many different celebrities with the last name Egerton. Some notable celebrities with this last name include George Egerton who is a writer and Tamsin Egerton who is a famous British actress.
provide personal information for celebrities and noncelebrities alike.
Werner Kamenik's birth name is Gustav Werner Steinmetz.