# Rat # Mouse # Dog # Wolf # Cat # Cheetah # Leopard # Hamster # Gerbil # Guinea Pig # Bear
Aragog, as a spider, had eight legs.
Luke never loses his legs. You may be thinking of Anakin Skywalker, who loses his legs in Revenge of the Sith.
he lost his legs to frostbite in a climbing mishap in 1982 when a blizzard trapped him and his friend and companion Phil Doole in a ice cave on mt cook for 14 days. both of them had there legs amputated
No. You are possibly thinking of a song he did about a man with three legs. Jake the Peg.
Betty Legs Diamond's birth name is Simon Green.
The number of legs an animal has certainly does affect how that animal moves. If the animal has two legs they are limited in movement to what those two legs can do.
An animal with legs is called a quadruped, while an animal without legs is typically called a legless animal or a serpentiform.
An animal that walks on four legs is called a quadruped.
Well, no ANIMAL has eight legs but an arachnid called SPIDER does
an animal biome is an animal with 16 legs
In Animal Farm, the anthem is "Four legs good, two legs bad!"
I am not sure what you mean but animal which walk on their hind legs have straight legs and they are called bipedalanimals.
Grasshopper...does that count as an animal...?
There is no such animal.
Millipedes have around 300 legs
Legs, Animal Legs, & Bug Legs.
The animal with the most legs is the millipede, which can have up to 750 legs. Despite its name "millipede," which means "thousand feet," they do not actually have a thousand legs.