The correct spelling is brussels sprouts (Brussels may or may not be capitalized).
Ashley Davidson was born in Brussels, in Belgium.
for most of the time, England
The libs
robyn fenty's nickname is rihanna! ­
The Muscles from Brussels
The Muscles from Brussels
Muscles, Hussles
yes. Brussels is Comic City, and Europes Capital.
Brussels muscles.
Ken Rosewall
The cast of Brussels Midnight - 1998 includes: Natali Broods as Barbara Valentijn Dhaenens Salvador Sanchis
The cast of Brussels - 2010 includes: Michael Douglass as Edward Alexis Gambis as Sven Ollie Marsden as Gaspar
"Belgique" is French for "Belgium." The capital of Belgium is Brussels, or Bruxelles in French, or Brussel in Flemish.
Brussels is the capital city of Belgium.
In French, Brussels is called "Bruxelles."
It should be Brussels sprouts. Brussels should be capitalized.