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According to starbyface (website). The person that looks the most like me would be Larry the Cable Guy... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Curtis Strite

Lvl 13
4y ago
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Evie Netherton

Lvl 1
3y ago
Probably Millie Bobbie Brown bc she looks similar to me.
Joan Cusack
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Kailee Lemoine

Lvl 1
3y ago
I actually kinda look like Taylor swift ngl
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Lvl 1
3y ago
I want to choose Melanie Martinez but i cant soooooo... I chooseeeeeee.... Lily Rabe.
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Ella Hamilton

Lvl 1
3y ago
Probably Zendaya
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John Climer

Lvl 8
4y ago

NPH looks somewhat similar to me but it would be a boring movie 🤣

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Jordi Grant

Lvl 10
5y ago

Depends on how big the hair and makeup budget is.

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Lvl 7
5y ago

Either Jack Black or Seth Rogen.

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Kimberly Long

Lvl 3
4y ago

I'm kind of torn between a few people. I'm a girl but Dwayne and Kevin are the funniest people I know. I also love Gal Gadot and Zendaya because they are real. They portray strong female characters on and off-screen. I also like Jason Mamoa though because I mean, who doesn't? Honestly, I mean if all these people could combine into one, it would be them. I aspire to be liked but only if I'm being real and true to myself and not worrying about what other people think of me. I also like to think that I can be funny. I know it's long but it's how I feel.

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Gracie Bain

Lvl 1
3y ago
ZENDAYA! That is an amazing choice

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Karen Weidner

Lvl 2
5y ago

A male actor that would play me knowing on am a Woman would probably be John Cusack because he resembles me in a man form. Also, John Cusack has a surprising way of shocking his audience which makes movies have a twist of fate. I believe an actor like him could play my life because I had a lot of ups and downs. He is calm , yet could be sensitive if need be. Plus, has a great reaction towards sarcasm, freshness, yet polite in some ways and has a flair of wonder about him. He is one of my favorite actors if you really want to see what I mean watch 1408 by Stephen King. Even if you hate this movie the way he acts and portrays the story is showing an actor at work. In person he is completely different but when you think about it when your at work and see your friends some are different in the workforce than when you meet them outside of work. Right? I mean some of your friends possibly not all of them just some. Take a look next time like John Cusack would Do you or Do you not receive two sides of a story from someone.

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First Bite

Lvl 2
4y ago

Being honest, my life too much complicated and I think one actor can't afford to play my role in a movie. It is almost impossible for one to act all these characters that I am acting right now.

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I would play as Dwayne Johnson because he said that he had 7 bucks and he was broke as hell, and I really like how he got from broke to rich; However it's not about the money, it is about he never gave up and he followed his dreams and took risks.

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Muhzad UA

Lvl 2
4y ago

A lot of people dream to be actors and join the elite of Hollywood A-listers, but the path is not for everybody.

Have you ever wondered if acting was really the best choice for you? Don't worry and keep your dreams alive as I'm going to introduce you to FREE ACTING MASTERCLASS FROM HOLLYWOOD'S ELITE ACTOR....

h t t p s://dlupload. com/Download/file/YTczMzJhODkt

(please join the H T T P together)

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