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Mark Curry

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Q: Which actor plays Mr Cooper in Hanging with mr Cooper?
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What two jobs did Mark Cooper have on Hanging with Mr Cooper?

Teacher, basketball coach

Is mark curry from hanging with mr cooper gay?

Yup. for certain.

What song did tyrese sing on the hanging with mr cooper show?

Ribbon in the Sky

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Monica Carson

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Bill Chot plays Mr. Larritate.

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Joshua Harto

In the movie Holes what actor plays Mr. Sir?

Jon Voight

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Amir khan

Who is the actor in the Campbell's?

the same guy who plays mr potatoe head in toy story

What is name of actor who plays Mr Black in the current movie Shorts?

James Spader.

Which actor plays Doctor Who?

At the moment it is Mr Matt smith and before him was david tennant

Is Mr Bean dead in 2017?

Rowan Atkinson, the actor who plays Mr. Bean, is still alive as of the 31st of July 2017.