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Season 1: Episode 14 (New Kid in school), Episode 15 (More than a zombie to me),

Episode 16 (Good Golly, Miss Dolly), Episode 18 (People who use People)

Season 2:Episode 9 (Achy Jakey Heart part 1), Episode 10 (Achy Jackey Heart Part 2), Episode 18 (That's what's friends are for?)

Season 3: Episode 16 (Jake... Another little Piece of my heart) Episode 18 (He could be the one)

Season 4: Episode 5 (It's the end of Jake as we know it)

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

-achy jakey heart part 1

-achy jakey heart part 2

-new kid in school

-more than a zombie to me

-people who use people

-that's what friends are for?

-He could be the one

-Its the end of Jake as we know it

-Jake another little piece of my heart

-Good Golly Miss Dolly

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βˆ™ 13y ago

there waz achy-jakey heart 2 part episode and then the one where he comes back and tells miley he just want to be friends with Selena Gomez idk wat the name waz but if i figure it out i will get back to u

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The Episodes in Hannah Montana that Jake is in are...

Season 1:Episode 14 (New Kid in School), Episode 15 (More than a Zombie to me), Episode 16 ( Good Golly Miss Dolly) Episode 18 ( People who use people)

Season 2: Episode 9 ( Achy Jakey Heart Part 1), Episode 10 ( Achy Jackey Heart Part 2), Episode 18 ( That's what friends are for)

Season 3: Episode 16 ( Jake... Another little Piece of my heart), Episode 18 ( He could be the one )

Season 4: Episode 5 ( Its the end of Jake as we know it)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

yes, I actually saw that he is gonna be in season 4 of Hannah Montana from a sneak peak episode.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

In Season 2 Episode 10 Acky Jakey Heart (Part 1)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Jake, another little piece of my heart

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Q: Which Hannah Montana episodes were Jake Ryan in?
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you mean Jake Ryan right? Cody Linley plays Jake Ryan on Hannah Montana! Hope that helps!

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The Jake Ryan story is when Miley goes out with Jake and tells him her secret and stuff. Basically all the old episodes of where she went out with him and he could be the one. :) So did she break up with him because they don't appear to be dating in the much newer episodes?

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She did before she found out he cheated on her.

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Jake Ryan in Episode 18"he could be the one" Hannah Montana Season 3

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yes, she like. yes, she like.

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yes Cody linly aka Jake Ryan

Is Cody linley in the Hannah Montana movie?

Cody Linley plays Jake Ryan in the movie.

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