Pinochhio is the obvious answer. There was a sort of nursery rhyme which went: Liar Liar, your pants are on fire- your NOSE is as LONG as a TELEGRAPH WIRE! not being into (PInocchio) I did not realize that was the indirect origin.
Pinocchio is the puppet whose nose grew longer each time he lied.
In the story of Peter Pan, his nose grew longer when he told lies. This was a consequence of his inability to tell the truth and served as a way to visually depict his dishonesty.
Because Pinocchio lied.
His nose got longer every time he lied
his nose grew.
Well it grew up my nose and that's warm
His nose grows
The length of his nose.
Yes, but like most anime characters it is not well defined.
They are selling used on Ebay for about $25.