there are lots of photos of Makena on images and most of them is when she was shopping with Selena Gomez.she does not look like Taylor Lautner and again if you want to see a picture of her there are heaps on google images.
he was born in Grand Rapids Michigan
Makena Lautner is 18 years old (birthdate May 6, 1999). She is the younger sister of Taylor Lautner.
He's seventeen, soon to be eighteen. In real life his name is Taylor Lautner.
No he's not he was born in Grand Rapids ,Michigan now residing in Beverly Hills, California.
Taylor Lautner was born on February 11, 1992
Taylor Lautner was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan (in the USA).
No, Taylor Lautner was born in Grand Rapids, MI.
Taylor Lautner's dad Daniel Lautner was born in 1962.
Taylor Lautner was born on February 11, 1992.
Taylor Lautner was born on February 11, 1992.
Taylor Lautner was born on February 11th, 1992.
Taylor Lautner is 17. He was born February 11, 1992 :)
Taylor Lautner was born on February 11, 1992
Taylor Lautner's hometown is Grand Rapids, Michigan
Taylor Lautner was born February 11, 1992
Taylor Lautner was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan.