Kevin's house: 671 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, Illinois
Kevin visits Santa Claus, in front of Winnetka Village Hall, Green Bay Road.
Both airports where the family is stuck were filmed at O'Hare Airport in Chicago
Home Alone (1990) Run Time: 103 minutes
In the movie Home Alone, Joe Pesci's character is named Harry.
No, the star of Home Alone is actually Macaulay Culkin. But they do look very similar!
There was no movie filmed
This movie was filmed in DURANGO, MEXICO
Home Alone was a movie that featured a young boy who got left at home during the family vacation. Home Alone was released in 1990 and later was followed by a sequel.
The movie Sliding Home was filmed there.
No. Home Alone 3 was filmed with an entirely different cast from the first two Home Alone movies.
It was filmed in Newnan, Ga. In an historical home there.
no, home alone is a kids movie.
Christian is right now 12. When he filmed snowmen he was about 9. and he will still be 12. when he is filming his new movie Home Alone 5
Home Alone.
Cheryl's fave movie is Home Alone and Home alone 2
Home Alone ,
marblehead ma
No. Michael Jackson did not appear in the movie "Home Alone" with Macaulay Culkin.