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last one was filmed in Los Angeles

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Q: Where was the latest Jim Butner auto commercial filmed?
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Does Foreign Commercial General Liability include Foreign Business Auto Liability?

It can be, but it just depends on the extent of coverage you purchase. Commercial Auto is not automatically included with Commercial General Liability. If you purchase the Commercial Auto coverage along with the Commercial Liability then you will have the coverage. If you purchase only the commercial General Liability then you won't have coverage for commercial auto.

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What safe auto commercial is Leslie lannan in?

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What are the insurance policies that Farmer's Insurance company offers?

Homeowners, Rental Property, Commercial Property, Commercial Auto, Personal Auto, Life, Umbrella.

Commercial auto insurance cheaper than personal auto insurance?

Generally speaking the answer is NO. Commercial auto insurance is more expensive that personal auto insurance because of the (1) frequency of using the auto- more often in commercial, (2) Commercial auto can cause more damage in accidents, and (3) bigger lawsuits are more evident in accidents involving commercial autos. There are very few exceptions. For example, a personal auto carried by a 16 year driver living in an urban area with few violations and a certain amount of liability limits can be more expensive than a commercial auto policy for a 35 years old suburban driver, with clean record, for comparable liability limits.

Where can I go to get a commercial auto insurance quote?

The following insurance companies all offer commercial auto insurance quotes.

Commercial Auto Insurance Is a Must for Businesses?

When you insure a vehicle that you use for business purposes, make sure that you insure it under an authentic commercial auto insurance policy. A personal auto insurance policy will not cover many business uses of an automobile, and if you make a commercial auto insurance related claim that is not covered on your personal policy it will be denied. Therefore, when you buy or lease a car for business use, contact a commercial auto insurance broker if your general business insurance broker or provider cannot assist you with your commercial auto insurance needs.

Where can one get a commercial auto insurance quote?

Most auto insurance companies also offer commercial auto insurance. You can attain an online quote online through NetQuote, Geico, or Nationwide insurance.

Would my commercial auto policy cover contents?

Auto policies, whether personal or commercial will not cover contents within the vehicle. That is not what auto policies are designed to do. You need to have a commercial property and liability policy to cover business property while on premises or off premises.

Can someone give me some information on commercial automobile insurance?

Most companies that offer individual auto insurance also offer commercial auto insurance. These are insurance plans designed for commercial vehicles. If your friend is happy with his individual auto insurance company, he should ask that company what plans they offer for commercial vehicles.

What does monoline commercial auto insurance means?

That would be one policy in force for a commercial risk.