Ali Spuck has: Played herself in "Pyramid" in 2002. Played Lorena Bobbit in "Infamous" in 2003. Performed in "Apprehension" in 2004. Played Ali in "The Leftovers" in 2005. Played The Sofa Purchaser in "Dibs" in 2006.
Lorena Dintner is 136 cm.
Lorena Segura York is 5' 5".
Lorena Sanchez was born on 1986-06-21.
Lorena Segura York was born in 1980, in Sherman Oaks, California, USA.
get him a date with lorena bobbit
It turns your hard drive binto a 3½" floppy! and you cant do anything, really annoying!
Of history,reportedly Lizzie Borden,recent history Aileen Wuornos,Lorena Bobbit.
Short version...he's famous because his ex wife literally cut his manhood off...all of it. Lorena Bobbit is a bit more famous, given that she did it deliberately. He had it sewn back on and is somewhat functional in that department.
Lorena Bobbit cut off her husband John's penis June 23, 1993. She claimed he had raped her, but he was later found innocent of that.
Bobbit worm was created in 1788.
Ali Spuck has: Played herself in "Pyramid" in 2002. Played Lorena Bobbit in "Infamous" in 2003. Performed in "Apprehension" in 2004. Played Ali in "The Leftovers" in 2005. Played The Sofa Purchaser in "Dibs" in 2006.
they cut her a deal (haha) sorry.
Shannon Bobbit
Lorena Bobbitt's birth name is Lorena Gallo.
Lorena Ochoa Lorena Ochoa
Lorena Rosado's birth name is Lorena Rosado Fernndez.