Joe Plouffe is 5' 7 1/2".
Trevor Stewardson was born in 1977.
Trevor Chute was born in 1816.
Trevor Fisk was born in 1943.
Trevor Schuil was born on June 10, 1982, in Zimbabwe.
Trevor Plouffe was born on 1986-06-15.
Trevor Plouffe was born June 15, 1986, in West Hills, CA, USA.
MLB player Trevor Plouffe is 6'-02''.
Trevor Plouffe plays for the Minnesota Twins.
Trevor Plouffe is a third baseman for the Minnesota Twins.
MLB player Trevor Plouffe bats right.
MLB player Trevor Plouffe throws right.
MLB player Trevor Plouffe weighs 205 pounds.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Trevor Plouffe is 28 years old.
Trevor Plouffe is number 24 on the Minnesota Twins.
MLB player Trevor Plouffe made $2350000 in the 2014 season.
Trevor Plouffe is 6 feet 2 inches tall. He weighs 205 pounds. He bats right and throws right.