No one really knows as there were actually several women who played the role.
Rose Franken's birth name is Lewin, Rose.
Rose Kaufman's birth name is Fisher, Rose.
Rose Neeley's birth name is Rose Ella Coork Neeley II.
Alia Rose Brockert's birth name is Alia Rose Noelle Brockert.
Tamarah Rose Hooper's birth name is Tamarah Rose Elizabeth Hooper.
The Wild Prairie Rose is the state flower for Iowa and North Dakota.
The Iowa state flower is the Wild Prairie Rose.
in the corer of prairies
Rose Bird's birth name is Rose Elizabeth Bird.
Rose Lagercrantz's birth name is Rose Schmidt.
Mauri Rose's birth name is Maurice Rose.
Si Rose's birth name is Sy Rose.
Rose Rolanda's birth name is Rose Cowan.
Rose Oehmichen's birth name is Rose Mnnig.
Rose Gilbert's birth name is Rose Rubin.
Rose Grane's birth name is Rose Cremer.