The CBS television series, M*A*S*H (1972-83) was filmed in two locations:
It is set in Arizona, but I am not sure if it is Filmed there.
Muskegon, Michigan
M*A*S*H ran from 1972 to 1983.
Loretta Swit in the television series. Sally Kellerman in the movie.
No, the series was filmed entirely in California.
The television show was filmed in California.
The mountains seen in M*A*S*H are, in reality, theSanta Monica Mountains of southern California.
He was not on the tv series.
Dan Duryea (1907-1968) was a film, stage and television character actor. Unfortunately he died before the Robert Altman movie MASH (1970) or the CBS television series, M*A*S*H (1972-83) were filmed.
All the exterior scenes of the 4077th were filmed at what was, at the time, the 20th Century Fox Movie Ranch. Today, it is Malibu Creek State Park. It's located near Malibu, California.
It was filmed ages ago. It was on TV in 2010
It is mainly filmed in a studio in Cardiff and a castle in France but they do film in other locations
Francis Michael Gough (1916-2011) filmed primarily in the United Kingdom. His name does not appear in the cast list of either Robert Altman's movie MASH nor the CBS television series M*A*S*H (1972-83).
Friends was filmed in New york in the state and the series lasted for 10 years
It is set in Arizona, but I am not sure if it is Filmed there.