Edward H. Schafer was born in 1913.
Jacqueline Schultz was born on March 15, 1956, in Queens Village, New York, USA.
I. King Jordan was born in 1943.
Jordan Malloch was born in 1978.
Jordan Schafer was born on 1986-09-04.
Jordan Schafer was born September 4, 1986, in Hammond, IN, USA.
MLB player Jordan Schafer is 6'-01''.
Jordan Schafer plays for the Atlanta Braves.
Jordan Schafer is a center fielder for the Atlanta Braves.
MLB player Jordan Schafer weighs 205 pounds.
MLB player Jordan Schafer bats left.
MLB player Jordan Schafer throws left.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Jordan Schafer is 27 years old.
Jordan Schafer is number 17 on the Atlanta Braves.
MLB player Jordan Schafer made $1090000 in the 2014 season.