go to www.droidz.org up when it says serch pu the thing you whant
Where do you find naruto for pivot?
You can easily make them in paint. Save them and open sprite in pivot find it and open it simple.
You download them from google
You can find it on akatsuki pack(mangeykou)
Season 5, episode 16 "The one with the cop"
you download them at www.droidz.org.com
You can't.
At ninja pivot just google it. There you can find Dbz sticks and Naruto sticks also cool soundtracks.
Droidz.org is a great website for pivot downloads
Where do you find naruto for pivot?
where do i download pivot weapon you get for droidz.org
You can download Pivot from the Pivot Animator website. Alternatively, you can try local mirrors on major download servers such as CNET's download site.
search on google ''pivot beta 3 download''
http://assassinationscience.com/jackcostella/pivot/ www.Droidz.org (Can't download pivot there, but you can download backgrounds, stks, weapons etc for it)
pivot 4.0