We are unsure today. Some say that he lives in Tenn. Vinnie keeps a very low profile.
Vinnie Byrne's birth name is Vincent Byrne.
Vincent Larusso goes by Sween, Vinnie, and Vince.
Vinnie Jones (born January 5, 1965 in Watford) is an English former footballer and current actor, whose reputation as a tough guy on the football field has led him to be typecast into acting roles as coaches, hooligans, or violent criminals.
Gene Simmons Paul Stanley Ace Frehley Peter Criss - Peter Criscoula Eric Carr Vinnie Vincent Vincent Cusano Mark St. John R.I.P. Bruce Kulick Eric Singer Eric Mensinger Tommy Thayer
Vinnie Vincent's birth name is Vincent John Cusano.
Vinnie Vincent was born on August 6, 1952.
Vincent's whereabouts is unconfirmed.
Vinnie Vincent is a former member of the band Kiss and also leader of his own band Vinnie Vincent Invasion. He plays guitar and also lends his hand to vocals.
Vinnie? Vinnie The Pooh?
Vinnie Gerardo went by Vincent Gerardo.
Vincent Manierre goes by Vinnie.
Vincent Spano goes by Vinnie.
Vincent Kartheiser goes by Vinnie.
Vincent Gallo goes by Vinnie.