The quote is from "Doctor Who"(2005):
The Doctor: You wanted to come fourteen years ago. What happened?
Amy Pond: I grew up.
The Doctor: [He smiles] Don't worry. I'll soon fix that.
[He snaps his fingers and the TARDIS's door opens]
They grew up.
she grew up and married a mechanic and had a baby girl
Where you grew up usually
she grew up in naenae which my friend says is in wellington she grew up in naenae which my friend says is in wellington
If you're talking about Jamie Waylett who plays Crabbe, he was arrested for drug possesion earlier this summer and will not be in Deathly Hallows. He's supposed to die but it has been reported that Goyle will be killed instead.
he grew up
They grew up.
she grew up as a farmer.the end.
He grew up and became an artist.
He grew up.
Dialogue: Is where you are talking to some one like hello, how are you today. I am good how about you. Quote: is where either you or another person will make up a saying and that is a quote, and if you have to copy it from word to word, you have to give the owner that made it credit.
He started playing baseball for phillies
he said himself quote "i grew up with 4 sisters and have 1 brother"
she grew up and married a mechanic and had a baby girl
Was it because she grew up? and if so what is she doing now
his wife had Zeus and hid him and when he grew up he made Kronos i think vomit all the kids out or something like that
no one knows. He just grew up without one.