Crystal Dawne's birth name is Crystal Dawne Slobodzian.
the faces on a crystal...
Crystal Heart's birth name is Leeann Crystal Schneider.
Camp Crystal Lake.
normal ice looks shiny like crystal so it is called crystal ice
Kororinpa happened in 2006.
Kororinpa was created on 2006-12-02.
Kororinpa - 2006 VG was released on: Japan: 2 December 2006 UK: 23 February 2007 Australia: 1 March 2007 USA: 20 March 2007
ray bans are sunglasses. the lenses of "crystal green ray bans" are probably "crystal green", the color
To get a green color crystal you need to go to the Imperial/Republic fleet, go to the galactic market kiosk and search green color crystal
Crystal faces accumulate atoms
A crystal lattice refers to the arrangement of atoms or ions in a crystal structure, whereas a space lattice refers to the repeating 3D arrangement of points or nodes in space that represent the positions of lattice points in a crystal lattice. In other words, a crystal lattice describes the atomic arrangement within a crystal, while a space lattice defines the spatial arrangement of points representing the crystal lattice.
A single crystal is a regular and periodic arrangement of particles inside a crystal in three-dimensional space.
The "Green crystal" is iconic of the Sims. While it used to be a simple green object with the same shape that was used to identify which Sim was selected, when the Sims got more graphically advanced, it was made into a crystal rather than just a floating green thing.
Crystal faces accumulate atoms
Space lattice is a three-dimensional geometric arrangement of the atoms or molecules or ions composing a crystal. Space lattice is also known as crystal lattice or Bravais lattice.