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Mrs. Slocombe (Mollie Sugden) died July 1, 2009

Captain Peacock (Frank Thornton) is currently performing in "Last of the Summer Wine"

Mr. Humphries (John Inman) died March 8, 2007

Miss Brahms (Wendy Richards) died Feburary 26, 2009

Mr. Rumbold (Nicholas Smith) is retired, his last role was in "Last of the Summer Wine" in 2008

Mr. Lucas (Trevor Bannister) is currently performing in "Last of the Summer Wine"

Mr. Harman (Arthur English) died April 16, 1995

Young Mr. Grace (Harold Bennett) died September 15, 1981

Mr. Granger (Arthur Brough) died May 23, 1978

Mr. Spooner (Mike Berry) is retired from acting, his last role was in "Julie and the Cadillacs in 1999; but is still making music, his most recent album was "Hi There Darlin' its Christmas" produced by Rollercoaster Records in 2007

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