The address of the Sheldon Public is: 1640 Main St., Sheldon, 05483 0012
Sheldon Andelson died in 1987.
Sheldon Gilgore died in 2010.
"Dom Sheldon" is actually Thomas Sneddon, Jr.
Bob Sheldon was born on 1950-11-27.
Sheldon Galbraith was born on 1922-05-24.
The address of the Sheldon Public Library is: 925 4Th Ave, Sheldon, 51201 1517
The address of the Sheldon Public Library District is: 125 North Fifth Street, Sheldon, 60966 0370
The phone number of the Sheldon Public is: 802-933-7323.
The phone number of the Sheldon Public Library is: 712-324-2442.
The phone number of the Sheldon Public Library District is: 815-429-3521.
The address of the Sheldon Prairie Museum is: , Sheldon, IA 51201
The address of the Sheldon Historical is: Po Box 35, Sheldon, IA 51201
Sheldon is actress singer Barbra Streisand's older brother. He was born in 1935, which makes him 7 years older.
The address of the Sheldon Branch Library is: 1566 Coburg Rd, Eugene, 97401 4802
The address of the Sheldon Peck Homestead is: 355 E Parkside Ave, Lombard, IL 60148
The address of the Sheldon Museum is: Historical Society Inc 1 Park Stree, Middlebury, VT 5753
The address of the Sheldon Jackson Museum is: 104 College Drie, Sitka, AK 99835-7657