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124 Conch Street

Location:Bikini BottomAddress:124 Conch StreetEmployment:SpongeBob (Banned in Bikini Bottom)

Squidward (Banned in Bikini Bottom)

Mr. Krabs (Banned in Bikini Bottom)

Gary (Banned in Bikini Bottom)First Appearance:Help Wanted

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Q: Where is sponge bobs house?
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Where is the missing equipment at Sponge Bob big adventures?

get the jar from mr krabs get the glasses from squid ward the net is by sponge bobs house and the t-shirt is by the chum bucket

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what it is

Who is sponge bobs girl friend?

Sandy? Ya.

What is sponge bobs best food?

The Krabby Patty.

What are the codes to sponge bobs big adventures?
