Georgetown Ontario
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Dear Mr. Holmes:
I live in Brighton, Ontario about one hour or so east of Toronto. I love watching your shows. I live in a house that was built in 1865. One of the problems is in the original cellar which has a dirt floor, and large boulders as the foundation. However, when I was down there the other day it was soo cold I could see my breath. Looking up towards the rafters I could see the outside. Also the furnace was placed in a dirt -like cave. This house has lots of character and charm but seeing the outside from the cellar is a source of real concern. There also doesn't appear to be any foundation on the west wall!
My other concern is the roof which I had shingled in 2009 . Last Christmas I had a leak which ran into the new part of the house, into a closet and proceeded to travel to the living room ceiling. I understand that this roof has some valleys. I did get the roofer to return and he said that he fixed the problem. However, I am wondering if you could take a look at this dilemma?
I realize you are a very busy, popular man with a lot of expertise.
I think if you were willing to take a drive out to Brighton at 28 George St., you wouldn't be disappointed. It might make an excellent SHOW!
Sincerely Mary-Jane Mazurek
Mike Holmes lives in the Greater Toronto Area in Ontario. He is best known for his TV show "Holmes on Holmes."
There are no published photos of Mike Holmes' personal home as of May 2014. It is known however, that he lives in Georgetown.
Mike Holmes, the host of many home improvement television shows including Holmes on Homes, was married to Alexandra Lorex.
Alexandra Lorex is the ex-wife of Mike Holmes. Mike Holmes is known as Holmes on Homes a popular real estate show. Alexandra was a part of this until their divorce. She is currently a consultant.
Mike Holmes