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Lord Gina is locked up in Florence, Colorado for life for multiple drug business

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Q: Where is lord Gino locked up at?
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Related questions

What race is Lord Gino?

Puerto Rican.

Who started the Latin kings?

The founders of the Almighty Latin King & Queen Nation are Gino Gustavo Colon aka ''Lord Gino'' & Raul Gonzalez aka ''Baby King''.

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Lord Gino, The Creator of Latin kings

Who the first leadr in latin kings?

Lord Gino was the 1st leader of the Latin kings in Chicago

Where is gustavo colon?

Lord Gino is in the ADMAX Super Maximum Security Prison in Florence, Colorado.

When does lord gino get out of jail?

he in jail 4 life he ain't never gonna get out cuz dere always gonna charge him 4 somethin else lord gino is having sexual sex with newbies in jail basset was here Jose was here James was here mikel was here Ryan was here

What is a suffix for locked up?

A suffix that could be added to "locked up" could be "-ed," making it "locked upped."

Who is Lady Q?

She's was a latin king high ranking female member. A sort of second in command to lord Gino.

What is another word cooped?

you are locked up in a tight space ~ locked up

What would make the engine act like its locked up?

the fact that an engine is locked up may be caused by the fact that the engine is in fact locked up

Which celebrities have the first name Gino?

Gino D'Acampo is an UK chef and television celebrity. Also many actors have their first Gino. These are Gino Cafarelli, Gino Anthony Pesi, Gino Calabro and Gino Conforti.

revealed a room that had locked up children in it!?

The warning was fake! Rosesy locked up Amethyst.