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The silver wings Band was a late 70s band out Vienna Ga with lead singer and guitar player Billy walls. They were a local rock and country band that fronted for bands in the southeast.

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Who wrote the song silver wings?

Marvin Jackson, My Dad he was a member of a band and wrote the song when his first wife take the kids and left him. The band broke up and the rights to the song Silver Wings got sold.

When was Wings - band - created?

Wings - band - was created in 1971.

When did Wings - band - end?

Wings - band - ended in 1981.

What was the name of the band McCartney formed after the Beatles broke up?

Paul McCartney went from Beatle, to his band with his wife, Linda McCartney. The bands name was called Wings. The band is also known as "Paul McCartney and Wings."Acctually his own band was called " the Wings". But he has recentlly came out with a band called "the Firemen".

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silver coated wings is a two man "christian rock" band involving two Stowell Boys (Patrick & Derick Stowell) (i think there is a drum player, but i don't know really) I think the drum player is from "last days" So I guess it would be Timothy Gus

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The cast of Wings of My Salvation - 2012 includes: Crossfire Gospel Band as Band Members

Is paul Mcartney in the wings?

He used to be in a band called Paul McCartney & Wings, yes.

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Rode Hall Silver Band was created in 1837.

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Franklin Silver Cornet Band was created in 1856.

When was Third Carrickfergus Silver Band created?

Third Carrickfergus Silver Band was created in 1958.

What ranking was silver wings on the charts?