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AnswerSteve perry from 'Journey' lives north of San Diego, CA.

Steve Perry from 'Cherry Poppin Daddies' lives in Oregon, in a small town up here, I live here too, and we see him from time to time. And no, we don't ask for his autograph, we treat him like anyone else, most likely why he lives here.
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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

If anyone finds out how to contact Steve, I would like to know. I would like to tell him how I recently discovered him. I know its a strange thing to say....long story. I don't wish to bother him. I am sure he would just like to be able to live his life. I think he would enjoy my story.

If you have asked this website this question, then you are looking for the samething I am. Where is Steve Perry? I have been looking for him since 1977. If you know where I can find Steve Perry (yes, the real lead singer of Journey) then contact me at Before you think I am some serial stalker, I'm posting this to see who will ask this question. If one of Steve Perry's friends happen to ask this question, please tell Steve thank you from the bottom of my heart, I never stopped believin and I walked away without being carried away, FTLOSM!! always! xoxoxo Perry's princess

He is in Del Mar, CA. Don't know his exact address. Wish I did.

Steve has said many times he lives in Del Mar San Diego, that last interview he stated and I quote, "somewhere near and around Del Mar in San Diego." unquote. Steve has been known to have bought many homes in the past, so your guess is as good as mine which one he actually calls home. And I am sure he does read alot of these posts and he knows how much his fans love and miss him.

Guys or girls i really don't know what you are, i know a friend of his, hes told me alot and im greatful to him but i cannot tell you, you must understand its not our right to tell you. Sorry to disapoint but you won't get the answer your looking for.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

He lives in my home state of Boston , Massachusetts!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

He doesn't even have a daughter.....

He does indeed have a daughter..and the last I knew she lived in North Carolina.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

I believe he lives in Del Mar, this was mentioned in an interview I read a short while back.

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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βˆ™ 10y ago
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Steve Perry was born on January 22, 1949.

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