Roger Whittaker, a Kenyan/British musician is still alive.
Roger Whittaker lives in Co. Galway, Ireland. His exact home address is private.
Roger Whittaker
Gordon Lightfoot recorded the song The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.
John Edmondson Whittaker died in 1945.
The cast of Roger Whittaker i Tivoli - 1972 includes: Roger Whittaker as himself
Roger Whittaker was born on March 22, 1936.
Roger Whittaker will make a short tour in Germany in 2013.
Roger Whittaker, a Kenyan/British musician is still alive.
Roger Whittaker was born on March 22, 1936.
Roger Whittaker lives in Co. Galway, Ireland. His exact home address is private.
Roger Whittaker
Yes, Roger Whittaker's father was murdered in 1966 in Kenya, where the family lived at the time. The motive for the murder remains unclear.
The Last Farewell was recorded by Roger Whittaker in 1971. The song was produced by Denis Preston and released by RCA Records.
Roger Whittaker The number first appeared on Whittaker's 1971 LP, "A Special Kind of Man."
on "Bitter and Sweet" germany 1988
"Reflections of Love" - RCA Album Released in 1976